Bdo central marketplace history
Bdo central marketplace history

bdo central marketplace history

bdo central marketplace history

Should the user decide to liquidate their stable coin, the custodian will return the proportionate value in fiat and destroy the stable coin. The currency is deposited with a custodian (this can be any trusted third-party or registered financial institution like a bank) who then issues the Stable Coin. Each stable coin issued must be backed by the currency in a 1:1 ratio – the collateral. These stable coins are backed by a stable Fiat Currency like the USD or the Swiss Franc. Stable coins may fall into three categories: This makes it difficult to price goods in crypto reliably.Ī Stable Coin is a crypto currency that is pegged to a relatively stable underlying asset or commodity. This price volatility is then compounded by speculators buying and selling off their investment in crypto at the first scent of profit.

bdo central marketplace history

Consequently, the value of crypto is left to be determined by volatile market forces of supply and demand. We don’t generally think in terms of units of crypto when attaching value to goods (not yet, anyway!). Society and businesses in general, thinks in terms of attaching “Dollar” or “Rand” values to goods. The value of Blockchain – and most crypto currencies are tied to their durability, liquidity, fungibility, visibility, scarcity and the ability to be accepted as legal tender. The intention was to create a decentralized alternative medium of exchange to fiat currency (“paper” money not backed by a scarce commodity but rather by Governments and issued by Central Banks).

bdo central marketplace history

It was on the 3rd of January 2009, that Satoshi Nakamura mined the first Bitcoin bringing forth into existence the first block of Bitcoin – the Genesis Block. Non-profit organizations operate in all social spheres of activity and are always facing challenges. The role of non-profit sector is annually growing in Belarus and the rest of the world. We are ready to provide multidisciplinary consulting and legal support to public enterprises, development corporations, state agencies and international institutions, assist them in raising finance and implementation of PPP projects. Our company is ready to offer you comprehensive support at all stages of business development, providing a wide range of services from consulting services to support during the incorporation of business, legal and tax consulting before conducting. Our client portfolio includes leading banks, insurance and leasing companies, to which for more than 15 years BDO in Belarus has been providing audit services,a wide range of financial, tax and legal consulting services. Our company is ready to help in resolving urgent issues to improve operational efficiency, reduce managerial risks, conduct audit and search for optimal ways of company development. The food industry is a kind of trademark of the country and one of the most important industries in the production of consumer goods in the industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus.


Provision of audit and professional services to enterprises of the construction industry has a number of features that are determined by the specifics of pricing in the industry and costs accounting of construction works, as well as a rather. Work with enterprises of the chemical and oil and gas industries is one of the priorities of BDO in Belarus. Modernization of capacities, reduction of costs, search for additional sources of financing are far from being the whole list of problems faced by the enterprises of the machine-building and metallurgical industries.

Bdo central marketplace history